I hereby release P&V INTERNATIONAL SPORT KIDS and its representatives, affiliates, officers, agents, employees, members, directors, volunteers, and attorneys, from any and all liability or claims that may be sustained by the Player, or a third party directly or indirectly in relation to, or arising from, Player’s participation in the activity described in this document, whether caused, in whole or in part, by the negligence of P&V INTERNATIONAL SPORT KIDS or otherwise, including any responsibility for recruitment not allowed during the current sport season.
I certify that the Player is fully covered by medical insurance and that I am fully responsible for all costs incurred, whether covered by a policy or not. I further certify that Player is in good health and free of injury.
I understand that there are certain inherent risks associated with participating in sports and/or athletic training that cannot be eliminated. These risks include but are certainly not limited to: (1) minor injuries such as scratches, cuts, bruises and strains; and (2) major injuries such as injuries to the eyes, infection, loss of sight, joint injuries, back injuries, heart attacks, concussions, paralysis and even death. Also included in these risks are the same or similar injuries that might result from using training equipment, actual use of a field or training facilities, the acts of others or from the unavailability of emergency staff or emergency medical care (hereinafter we shall define all of these risks and potential injuries as “Risks”). All of these Risks will be present in the activities that you and/or your minor will be participating with P&V INTERNATIONAL SPORT KIDS (the “Activities”).
I, on behalf of myself and/or my minor and/or our heirs, personal representatives and/or assigns, also agree to indemnify and hold P&V INTERNATIONAL SPORT KIDS, its affiliates, subsidiaries, assigns, partners, attorneys, members, employees, independent contractors, shareholders, officers, directors, and agents or any producers, investors, or any other person or entity associated in any way with the ownership, operation or affiliation with recreational facilities and the creation, production or distribution of P&V INTERNATIONAL SPORT KIDS -related marketing content on any P&V INTERNATIONAL SPORT KIDS -owned website, harmless from any and all claims, causes of actions, lawsuits, arbitrations or proceedings as well as from any expenses, judgments, costs, fees, damages, expenses and/or liabilities, including attorneys’ fees incurred in defending or prosecuting any such claims brought against P&V INTERNATIONAL SPORT KIDS as the result of my or my minor’s participation in the Activities. I hereby allow P&V INTERNATIONAL SPORT KIDS to use my or my minor’s image or likeness without current or future compensation for marketing purposes related to P&V INTERNATIONAL SPORT KIDS
I, on behalf of myself and/or my minor and/or our heirs, personal representatives and assigns, in consideration for being permitted to participate in the Activities HEREBY RELEASE, WAIVE AND DISCHARGE P&V INTERNATIONAL SPORT KIDS
from any and all liability associated with or related to my or my minor’s participation in the Activities and agree NOT TO SUE P&V INTERNATIONAL SPORT KIDS for any reason resulting from or associated with my or my minor’s participation in the Activities. This waiver and release is intended to include all claims for injuries, accidents, illnesses, or property loss, whether known or unknown or anticipated or unanticipated, which are in any way related to or associated with the Activities.
I, on behalf of myself and/or my minor, acknowledge that P&V INTERNATIONAL SPORT KIDS is not obligated and therefore may not to carry insurance on behalf of myself or my minor.
I, on behalf or myself and/or my minor, understand and acknowledge that I/we are surrendering valuable legal rights in this agreement.
I am the parent and/or legal guardian of the above-named minor participant. I HAVE READ AND HAVE an appreciation for and an UNDERSTANDING OF THESE RISKS, and affirm that the Player is a minor and his/her participation in these Activities is voluntary. I understand that I am surrendering legal rights on behalf of the minor and myself. I, on behalf of myself and my minor, agree to be bound by all the terms of this agreement and give my consent to allow the minor Player to participate in the Activities described herein. I release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Releasees from any kind and all liabilities incident to my minor child’s involvement or participation in these programs as provided above, even if arising from the negligence of the releases to the fullest extent permitted by law.